Victor Raider-Wexler (born December 31, 1943) is an American actor and voice actor.
Animation Voice Work
- Batman Beyond (1999-2000) - Guard (ep11), Muscles (ep41)
- Extreme Ghostbusters (1997) - Additional Voices
- Legion of Super Heroes (2007) - Dr. Neerg (ep16), Reptilian Scientist (ep16)
Direct-to-Video Specials
- Adventures in Odyssey: Escape from the Forbidden Matrix (2001) - The Master Brain
Streaming Television Series
- DreamWorks The Boss Baby: Back in Business (2018) - Frederic Estes
- DreamWorks Trollhunters (2016-2018) - Vendel
- DreamWorks Wizards: Tales of Arcadia (2020) - Additional Voices
Anime Voice Work
Anime - Dubbing
- Burn Up Excess (2002) - Tonoyama, Additional Voices
- Geneshaft (2003) - Asimov
Video Games
Video Games
- 007: Everything or Nothing (2003) - Arkady Yayakov
- Call of Duty: Finest Hour (2004) - Additional Voices
- Champions: Return to Arms (2005) - Rallos Zek
- Darksiders (2010) - Additional Voices
- Floigan Bros. episode 1 (2001) - Baron Maladorous
- GoldenEye: Rogue Agent (2004) - Additional Voices
- Golden Axe: Beast Rider (2008) - Additional Voices
- Guild Wars (2005) - Additional Voices
- Guild Wars: Nightfall (2006) - Additional Voices
- Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine (1999) - Gennadi Volodnikov
- JumpStart Adventures 5th Grade (1997) - Additional Voices
- Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter (2003) - Benny, Conrad Reinhold, High Councillor
- SWAT 4: The Stetchkov Syndicate (2006) - Lionel MacArthur, Old Man Hostage
- Saints Row (2006) - Radio Voices
- Star Trek: Hidden Evil (1999) - Computer, Romulan Guard
- Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds (2001) - Empire Scout Captain, Prowler Submarine Captain
- Supreme Commander (2007) - President Riley
- The Curse of Monkey Island (1997) - Slappy Cromwell, Snowcone Guy
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (2011) - Mehrunes Dagon
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Dawnguard (2012) - Durnehviir
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Dragonborn (2012) - Krosulhah, Sahrotaar
- The Hobbit (2003) - Balin, Malloc, Master, Sandyman
- The Lord of the Rings: War of the Ring (2003) - Additional Voices
Video Games - Dubbing
- Thousand Arms (1999) - Additional Voices
- Number of VA titles on this wiki: (33)
- Years active on this wiki: 1997-2020.