The Little Mermaid is a 1989 American animated film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and based on Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale. It was distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. The film was released on November 14, 1989 and was the twenty-eight film in the Walt Disney Animated Classics series and the first in the Disney Renaissance.
With the Voice Talents of
- Rene Auberjonois - Louis
- Christopher Daniel Barnes - Eric
- Jodi Benson - Ariel
- Pat Carroll - Ursula
- Paddi Edwards - Flotsam & Jetsam
- Buddy Hackett - Scuttle
- Jason Marin - Flounder
- Kenneth Mars - Triton
- Ben Wright - Grimsby
- Samuel E. Wright - Sebastian
- Edie McClurg - Carlotta
- Will Ryan - Harold the Seahorse
Additional Voices
- Hamilton Camp
- Debbie Shapire
- Robert Weil
- Ed Gilbert
- Charlie Adler
- Jack Angel
- Susan Boyd
- Steve Bulen
- Nancy Cartwright
- Philip Clarke
- Jennifer Darling
- Allan Davies
- Gail Farrell
- Donny Gerrard
- Mitch Gordon
- Willie Greene Jr.
- Linda Harmon
- Walter S. Harrah
- Phillip Ingram
- Luana Jackman
- William A. Kanady
- Edie Lehmann
- Anne Lockhart
- Sherry Lynn
- Melissa MacKay
- Guy Maeda
- Lynn Dolin Mann
- Arne B. Markussen
- Mickie T. McGowan
- Gene J. Merlino
- Lewis Morford
- Kathleen O'Connor
- Patrick Pinney
- Marilyn Powell
- Gloria G. Prosper
- Michael Redman Jr.
- Sally Stevens
- Robert Tebow
- Rob Trow
- Joe Turano
- Jackie Ward
- Bobbi White
- Robert S. Zwirn