Star Wars: The Clone Wars is a 2008 CGI film that takes place within the Star Wars saga, leading into the Star Wars: The Clone Wars TV Series, which debuted on October 3, 2008. Distributed by Warner Bros., the film premiered on August 10, 2008 at the Grauman's Egyptian Theatre, while screening in wide-release on August 14, 2008 across Australia, and August 15 in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.
Voice Cast
- Anakin Skywalker - Matt Lanter
- Ashoka Tano - Ashley Eckstein
- Obi-Wan Kenobi, 4-A7, Medical Droid - James Arnold Taylor
- Clone Troopers, Captain Rex, Commander Cody - Dee Bradley Baker
- Yoda, Narrator, Admiral Yularen - Tom Kane
- Asajj Ventress, TC-70 - Nika Futterman
- Chancellor Palpatine/Darth Sidious - Ian Abercrombie
- General Loathsom, Ziro the Hutt, KRONOS-327 - Corey Burton
- Padmé Amidala - Catherine Taber
- Battle Droids - Matthew Wood
- Jabba the Hutt - Kevin Michael Richardson
- Rotta the Huttlet - David Acord
- Mace Windu - Samuel L. Jackson
- C-3PO - Anthony Daniels
- Count Dooku - Christopher Lee
Uncredited Voice Actors
- Count Dooku (Deleted Scene) - Corey Burton