English Voice Over Wikia
Rick Gomez

Richard Harper "Rick" Gomez (born June 1, 1972) is an American actor. He's the older brother of actor Joshua Gomez.

Animation Voice Work


  • Gary the Rat (2003) - Additional Voices
  • KaBLaM! (1996-1998) - Additional Voices
  • My Gym Partner's a Monkey (2005-2008) - Slips Python, Windsor Gorilla, Adam#2 (ep16), Alistair (ep42), Alligator Kid (ep51), Angry Crab (ep30), Animal Parent (ep14), Arc Tick (ep16), BAAA Spokeswoman (ep1), Baby Goat (ep27), Brandon Capybara, Camera Man (ep17), Capy Capabara (ep31), Daniel Calamari, Daniel Tentacles (ep1), Frankie Lion (ep12), Goat Kid (ep17), Guy#1 (ep35), Human Cop (ep52), James Ant, Johnny Grizzly, Judge (ep18), Judge (ep47), Kid#1 (ep36), Kid#1 (ep45), Larry Monitor Lizard, Lion#3 (ep51), Llama Kid, Mole (ep14), Mr. Pickle, Mr. Slips (ep50), Newscaster (ep18), Official#3 (ep34), Parrot (ep7), Parrot Kid (ep50), Picnic Man (ep29), Piranha#2 (ep24), Rat (ep8), Sardine Kid (ep11), Saucypants (ep32), Scottish Native#2 (ep46), Slips' Brother (ep45), Stagehand (ep43), Stewart Goat (ep38), Teddy Truman, Undependable, Waiter (ep19), Wizard (ep44)

Direct-to-Video Movies

TV Specials

Anime Voice Work

Movies - Dubbing

Live-Action Voice Work


Video Games

Video Games

Video Games - Dubbing


  • Number of VA titles on this wiki: (16)
  • Years active on this wiki: 1996-2024.