Mulan is a 1998 American animated musical film directed by Tony Bancroft and Barry Cook, with story by Robert D. San Souci and screenplay by Rita Hsiao, Philip LaZebnik, Chris Sanders, Eugenia Bostwick-Singer, and Raymond Singer. It was produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and released by Walt Disney Pictures on June 19, 1998. It's the 36th animated feature in the Walt Disney Animated Classics, and a part of the Disney Renaissance, the film is based on the Chinese legend of Hua Mulan.
Mulan was well received by critics and the public, grossing $304 million, earning Golden Globe and Academy Award nominations, and winning several Annie Awards including Best Animated Feature.
Voice Cast
- Voice of Mulan - Ming-Na Wen
- Singing Voice of Mulan - Lea Salonga
- Voice of Fa Zhou - Soon-Tek Oh
- Voice of Shang - B.D. Wong
- Singing Voice of Shang - Donny Osmond
- Voice of Fa Li - Freda Foh Shen
- Mushu - Eddie Murphy
- Voice of Yao - Harvey Fierstein
- Voice of First Ancestor - George Takei
- Voice of Chien-Po - Jerry S. Tondo
- Voice of Ling - Gedde Watanabe
- Singing Voice of Ling - Matthew Wilder
- Voice of Shan-Yu - Miguel Ferrer
- Voice of Khan - Frank Welker
- Voice of General Li - James Shigeta
- Voice of Chi Fu - James Hong
- Voice of Grandmother Fa - June Foray
- The Emperor - Pat Morita
- Voice of The Matchmaker - Miriam Margolyes
- Singing Voice of Grandmother Fa - Marni Nixon
Additional Voices
- Tom Amundsen
- Arminae Austen
- Mary Kay Bergman
- Susan Boyd
- Julianne Buescher
- Steve Bulen
- Corey Burton
- Mitch Carter
- Robert Clotworthy
- David Cowgill
- Sally Dworsky
- Beth Fowler
- Don Fullilove
- Elisa Gabrielli
- Jack Gilpin
- Sandie Hall
- Richard S. Horvitz
- Linda Kerns
- Matthew Labyorteaux
- Conan Lee
- Dana Lee
- Edie Lehmann-Boddicker
- Luisa Leschin
- Christina Ma
- Susan McBride
- Huanani Minn
- Edie Mirman
- Mark Moseley
- Patrick Pinney
- Peter Renaday
- Maurita Thornburg-Phillips
- John Walcutt
- Frank Welker - Cri-Kee
- Claudette Wells