English Voice Over Wikia

Jason Douglas (born February 14, 1973 in Arkansas, United States) is an American actor and voice actor.

He's known for voicing: Krieg in Borderlands 2 and Beerus in Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods.

Animation Voice Work

Animation - Dubbing

  • Michel (2006-2007) - Brago (ep6), Chief Doyle (ep13), Coach (ep19), Delicious (ep8), Dr. Lloyd (ep21), Mr. Baker (ep18), Sir Brown the Knight

Direct-to-Video Movies


Web Animation

Anime Voice Work

Anime - Dubbing

Anime Shorts - Dubbing

Movies - Dubbing

OVA - Dubbing

Streaming Television Series - Dubbing

Live-Action Voice Work

Direct-to-Video Movies - Dubbing

Video Games

Video Games

Video Games - Dubbing
