English Voice Over Wikia

Eric Christopher Johnson, known by his stage name Eric Vale (born April 28, 1974 in Dallas, Texas) is an American ADR director, ADR head writer, ADR script writer and voice actor. He's married to voice actress Alese Johnson.

He's known for voicing: Ooji Karasuma in School Rumble, Sanji in One Piece, Solf J. Kimblee in Fullmetal Alchemist and Trunks in Dragon Ball Z.

Animation Voice Work


Anime Voice Work

Anime - Dubbing

Anime Shorts - Dubbing

Anime Specials - Dubbing

Movies - Dubbing

OVA - Dubbing

Streaming Television Series - Dubbing

Live-Action Voice Work


Movies - Dubbing

Video Games

android/iOS Games - Dubbing

Video Games

Video Games - Dubbing



  • Used "Eric Vale" as a Stage Name, since an unrelated VA had the same surname in the Texan VA union.